Monday, September 21, 2015

Labor Day Sale Roundup

I've never paid much attention to labor day weekend sales, but this year was one for the books. We went to the mall on Friday and I scored a dress and romper. On Saturday, my mom, Preston and I took the long haul over to the outlets in Massachusetts and unleashed our energy visiting every store that tickled our fancy from late afternoon until closing hours. It was good times, except that I  ended up leaving with a bundle of fall and winter clothes for my Hubs who actually cares niche about clothes.

Its tricky, you see, because the hubs is tall and lean. I am small and petite. Tall and lean means almost everything looks good on him. Small and petite means finding clothes is darn near impossible for me. It's not fair, it's not fair! But such is life.

This dress might have to make its debut next spring/summer because I have a thing with trying to dress thematically with the seasons and there's no way bright teal is fitting in with fall and winter color palettes. I'm quite pleased scoring this for only $10 though.

Onto that denim romper. I have been a huge sucker for denim pieces. They scream '90s. I don't know why that is appealing but it is.

I find men's clothes to be boring- all variations of the same thing, generally speaking. When I saw this waffle knit pullover though I got excited because it just oozes coziness! Who even cares that we don't have a proper winter in California that this would be appropriate for? It just had to be purchased.

This is a perfectly basic white tee that my Hubs happens to not have.

Now this vest..  Danny has exactly one vest. It's is a plain mustard yellow vest, and it is as ugly as it sounds. He refuses to part ways with it so this other vest is vying to take special hold of his heart so that he will please let that other ugly thing go.

After assessing all the belts, I decided this one looked the most classic. Disappointingly, it wasn't offered in his size, but because I spent way too long picking it out, I sized up and am crossing my fingers

Danny wears button ups on the regular so I wanted to add another one to his collection. The color is a little more vibrant than his usual fare, but it stood out and I like it.

As  I snatched this last minute. I've been into long simple necklaces as of late.

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